
March 2, 1970


This almanac page for Monday, March 2, 1970, pulls together various records created by the federal government and links to additional resources which can provide context about the events of the day.

Previous Date: Sunday, March 1, 1970

Next Date: Tuesday, March 3, 1970

Schedule and Public Documents

  • The Daily Diary files represent a consolidated record of the President's activities. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    The President's day began at The White House - Washington, D. C.

  • The Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents made available transcripts of the President's news conferences; messages to Congress; public speeches, remarks, and statements; and other Presidential materials released by the White House.

    Meetings With Foreign Leaders

    Acts Approved by the President

    • S. 55 -- Private Law 91-78
      An Act for the relief of Leonard N. Rogers, John P. Corcoran, Mrs. Charles W. (Ethel J.) Pebsinger, Marion M. Lee, and Arthur N. Lee.

    Checklist of White House Press Releases

    The releases listed below, made public by the Office of the White House Press Secretary during the period covered by this issue, are not included in the issue.

    • Press conference of Dr. Daniel P. Moynihan, Counsellor to the President, on his memorandum to the President.

    Digest of Other White House Announcements

    Following is a listing of items of general interest which were announced in the press but not made public as formal White House press releases during the period covered by this issue. Appointments requiring Senate approval are not included since they appear in the list of nominations submitted to the Senate, below.

    • National officers of the Future Farmers of America met with the President at the White House to discuss community action programs for students of vocational agriculture.
  • Each Public Papers of the Presidents volume contains the papers and speeches of the President of the United States that were issued by the White House Office of the Press Secretary during the time period specified by the volume. The material is presented in chronological order, and the dates shown in the headings are the dates of the documents or events. In instances when the release date differs from the date of the document itself, that fact is shown in the text note.

    To ensure accuracy, remarks have been checked against audio recordings (when available) and signed documents have been checked against the original, unless otherwise noted. Editors have provided text notes and cross references for purposes of identification or clarity.

  • The Federal Register is the official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other Presidential documents.

    No Federal Register published on this date

  • The Congressional Record is the official daily record of the debates and proceedings of the U.S. Congress.

Archival Holdings

  • The H. R. Haldeman Diaries consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. The diaries and logs reflect H. R. Haldeman’s candid personal record and reflections on events, issues, and people encountered during his service in the Nixon White House. As administrative assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Haldeman attended and participated in public events and private meetings covering the entire scope of issues in which the Nixon White House engaged in during the years 1969-1973. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

  • The National Archives Catalog is the online portal to the records held at the National Archives, and information about those records. It is the main way of describing our holdings and also provides access to electronic records and digitized versions of our holdings. 

    The Catalog searches across multiple National Archives resources at once, including archival descriptions, digitized and electronic records, authority records, and web pages from and the Presidential Libraries. The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.

    Nixon Library Holdings

    All National Archives Units

National Security Documents

Audiovisual Holdings

  • The White House Photo Office collection consists of photographic coverage of President Richard Nixon meeting with prominent social, political, and cultural personalities; speaking engagements and news conferences of the President and various high-ranking members of the White House staff and Cabinet; Presidential domestic and foreign travel, including Presidential vacations; social events and entertainment involving the First Family, including entertainers present; official portraits of the President, First Family, and high-ranking members of the Nixon administration; the 1969 and 1973 Inaugurals; the President’s 1972 Presidential election campaign appearances (including speeches) and other official activities of the White House staff and the President’s Cabinet from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974 at the White House and the Old Executive Office Building; other locations in Washington, DC, such as The Mall; and the Presidential retreats in Camp David, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and San Clemente, California. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    Roll WHPO-3054 Photographer: composite | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3054-01-02, Photograph of paste-up of the Cabinet football team. 3/2/1970, Washington, D.C. White House South Lawn. Cabinet Members.

    Roll WHPO-3055 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3055-01-08, President Nixon meeting with members of the Future Farmers of America. 3/2/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon.

    Roll WHPO-3056 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3056-02-07, Close-up portrait study of Lieberman. 3/2/1970, unknown unknown. Mr. Lieberman.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3056-08-09, Unidentified men walking across the lawn and exiting a helicopter. 3/2/1970, unknown unknown. Mr. Lieberman.

    Roll WHPO-3057 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3057-02-16, 19-21, 24-29, A White House Fellows meeting and reception. 3/2/1970, Washington, D.C. White House. unidentified White House fellows, unidentified White House staff members.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3057-17-18, 22-23, 30, Pat Buchanan visits with White House Fellows during a meeting and reception. 3/2/1970, Washington, D.C. White House. unidentified White House fellows, unidentified White House staff members, Patrick J. Buchanan.

    Roll WHPO-3058 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3058-03A-20A, President Nixon and Tricia Nixon with French President and Mrs. Georges Pompidou before dinner. 3/2/1970, New York City Waldorf Astoria Ballroom. President Nixon, Tricia Nixon, President Pompidou, Mrs. Pompidou.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3058-21A-29A, President Nixon and Tricia Nixon attending dinner honoring French President and Mrs. Georges Pompidou. 3/2/1970, New York City Waldorf Astoria Ballroom. President Nixon, Tricia Nixon, President Pompidou, Mrs. Pompidou.

    Roll WHPO-3059 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3059-05A-23A, President Nixon and Tricia Nixon attending dinner honoring French President and Mrs. Georges Pompidou. 3/2/1970, New York City Waldorf Astoria Ballroom. President Nixon, Tricia Nixon, President Pompidou, Mrs. Pompidou.

    Roll WHPO-3082 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3082-02, Pat Nixon arriving to meet student volunteers and children in Lansing, Michigan. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Jack Tar Hotel, Michigan Room South. Pat Nixon, officials.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3082-03-04, Pat Nixon conducting a press briefing in Lansing, Michigan. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Jack Tar Hotel, Michigan Room South. Pat Nixon, student volunteers, press corps members.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3082-05-09, Pat Nixon with young children in Lansing, Michigan. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Jack Tar Hotel, Michigan Room South. Pat Nixon, children, student volunteers, press corps members.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3082-10-18, Pat Nixon with student volunteers in Lansing, Michigan with student volunteers. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Jack Tar Hotel, Michigan Room South. Pat Nixon, student volunteers, press corps members.

    Roll WHPO-3083 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3083-02-24, Pat Nixon in Lansing, Michigan, interacting with senior citizens, and young student volunteers at various venues. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Elementary school. Pat Nixon, students, student volunteers.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3083-08, Pat Nixon in Lansing, Michigan, visitng elderly senior citizens at the Holt Home. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Holt Home. Pat Nixon, senior citizens, student volunteers.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3083-23, Pat Nixon in Lansing, Michigan, interacting with young students working on paper craft projects. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Elementary school. Pat Nixon, students, student volunteers.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3083-24-34, Pat Nixon in Lansing, Michigan, meeting with unidentified persons. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Elementary school. Pat Nixon, students, student volunteers.

    Roll WHPO-3084 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3084-02-18, Pat Nixon touring college volunteer projects in Lansing, MI. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan school. Pat Nixon.

    Roll WHPO-3085 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-01A, Pat Nixon boarding plane. 3/2/1970, Maryland Andrews Air Force Base, tarmac. Pat Nixon, unidentified others.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-02A-12A, Pat Nixon arriving in Lansing, MI. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capital City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon, unidentified others.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-13A-20A, Pat Nixon answering questions from crowd. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capital City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon, unidentified others.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-21A-25A, Pat Nixon holding and talking to a young girl. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capital City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon, young girl.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-24, Pat Nixon holding and talking to or comforting a young girl. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capital City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon, unidentified child.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3085-27A-35A, Pat Nixon touring the Michigan School of the Blind Recreation Center, including their gym, swimming pool, bowling alley, and wrestling gym. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capital City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon, students.

    Roll WHPO-3086 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3086-02A-09A, Pat Nixon arriving in Lansing, MI. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan Capitol City Airport, tarmac. Pat Nixon.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3086-10A-36A, Pat Nixon touring the Michigan School of the Blind. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3086-14, Pat Nixon touring the Michigan School of the Blind. A young, presumably blind, child walks up steps in front of her. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon, unidentified persons.

    Roll WHPO-3087 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3087-02-29, Pat Nixon interacting with students and teachers at various schools in Lansing, MI. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon.

    Roll WHPO-3088 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: B&W

    • Frame(s): WHPO-3088-02-07, Pat Nixon touring the Michigan School for the Blind Recreation Center, including the pool and wrestling gym. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon, school teachers, unidentified blind children, Press Corp photographers and reporters.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3088-08-27, 29-31, Pat Nixon interacting with students and volunteers while touring schools in Lansing, Michigan. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-3088-28A, Pat Nixon encourangin a blind child while he walks the rungs of a ladder laid on the ground, at the Michigan School for the Blind Recreation Center. 3/2/1970, Lansing, Michigan School. Pat Nixon, school teachers, unidentified blind children, Press Corp photographers and reporters.
  • The White House Communications Agency Sound Recordings Collection contains public statements that took place between 1969 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    C - First Lady

    • WHCA-SR-C-030
      Remarks by Pat Nixon on arrival at Central City Airport in Lansing, Michigan with Mayor Graves and Governor Millikan. (3/2/1970, Central City Airport, Lansing, Michigan)

      Runtime: 1:12

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by ADS (initials of WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
    • WHCA-SR-C-031
      Remarks by Pat Nixon to student volunteers at Grand River School in Lansing, Michigan with Dr. Stephen Partington and Mr. Stephen Plavnick. (3/2/1970, Grand River School, Lansing, Michigan)

      Runtime: 0:37

      Keywords: volunteerism, volunteer programs

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by ADS (initials of WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    P - Formal Presidential Remarks

    • WHCA-SR-P-700301
      Toast of the President at a Dinner Honoring President Pompidou of France in New York City, with additional remarks by President Pompidou. (3/2/1970)

      Runtime: 5:55

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
  • The White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection contains “off-the-air” recordings of televised programs produced between 1968 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    • WHCA-3647
      Weekly News Summary.
      All networks
      Runtime: 0:45

      3. Daniel Moynihan talks about racism. Time Code Start: 02:10. Keywords: cabinet, advisors, media, press conferences, news conferences, interviews, desegregation, racism, racial profiling, racial discrimination, civil rights, African Americans, schools. Network: NBC.

      4. Jarriel: commentary on discourtesy and that demonstrators don't represent feelings of all Americans. Time Code Start: 04:25. Keywords: bad manners, impolite, rudeness, disrespect, protests, demonstrations. Network: ABC.

      5. Bill Gill reports on Daniel Moynihan. Time Code Start: 05:38. Keywords: cabinet, advisors. Network: ABC.

      6. First Lady Pat Nixon at Lansing, Michigan. Time Code Start: 07:16. Keywords: Presidents, familes, wife, travel, trips, First Lady trips, domestic. Network: ABC.

Context (External Sources)