2024 National History Day Historical Paper Contest
Historical papers will not compete at county contests. Instead, papers will be directly submitted to the state contest by your teacher. Your school/teacher will pick 3 papers to advance to the NHD-CA Historical Paper Contest. If chosen to represent your school, your teacher will register your paper.
Learn more: https://www.nhdca.org/historical-paper-contest
Education Program
Through the work of our archive, museum, education, and public programming teams, we present educational, cultural, and historical resources for visitors, and our research community. We assist all those who search for knowledge and understanding of the 37th President of the United States, his administration, and his ongoing impact on the world.
Key Education Goals
Our galleries give us unique opportunities to reinforce fundamental lessons for students to understand. These lessons integrate standards and skills taught throughout a student’s educational career. As a Presidential Library and Museum, a component of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), our galleries intentionally contain a rich assortment of primary sources from our archival and artifact collections. Our role is to provide meaningful examples through our exhibits and time to explore them.
About our Education Tour Program
Providing tours to students throughout the education pipeline is a core mission of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum. The Library collaborates with the Orange and Los Angeles Counties' offices of education and professional development programs, in addition to various other school districts within the Greater Los Angeles Area.
Our Education Tour Program is designed to cover not only the life of President Richard Nixon, but to place young learners in an environment of sights and sounds that evoke a different time and place through our exhibits. Our galleries provide for unique opportunities to reinforce fundamental lessons important for students to understand both civics and U.S. History. These lessons incorporate California Educational Standards and various skills taught throughout a student’s educational career. President Richard Nixon’s life and service provide a compelling story in which we can weave primary and secondary sources, literacy, critical thinking, civics, and historical events and themes.
We have developed grade level (Elementary, Middle, and High School) specific tour themes and relevant discussion points that coincide with aspects of California’s Social Studies Content Standards and Framework.
Elementary School (grades 3-5) emphasis:
- Citizenship; rules and laws; histories of local and national landmarks and documents, including freedoms and heroes.
- Develop an understanding of the three branches of government at the local, state, and federal levels including their functions, powers, and structures. The role of elected officials is also emphasized.
- An understanding of the U.S. Constitution, along with its origins and how it protects our personal liberties and the principles of American democracy.
- Historical relationships in learning about California history. President Nixon’s life ties to key chapters of California history.
TOUR KEY THEME: “Service and Leadership”
Middle School (grades 6-8) emphasis:
Public Service & Rise to the Presidency
- Presidents Nixon’s exemplary academic achievement
- Presidents Nixon’s military service in WWII
- President Nixon’s service in House of Representatives, in the U.S. Senate, as Vice President and President of the United States; all roles established in the Constitution
Presidential Policy
- Ended U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War and ended the military draft
- Opened diplomatic relations and dialogue with the People’s Republic of China
- Establishment of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Title IX – giving women athletes chances to train and compete as male athletes do.
- Selecting Supreme Court justices
Power of the Media
- Addressing via television (“Checker’s Speech” & “Silent Majority Speech”)
- Opens the world through the President’s and First Lady’s travels
- Debates – Successful technique in 1968 as high moment and poor strategy in 1960 influences public
- Media as an additional unofficial branch as seen with the Watergate scandal
TOUR KEY THEME: “Role of the Government and Power of the People and Media.”
High School (grades 9-12) emphasis:
- Deeper understanding of the institutions of American government by exploring the American Constitution and the branches of government, how bills and policy work (working with Congress on domestic policy), selecting the Supreme Court justices, peaceful transfer of power between presidents, protestors exercising free speech and assembly during the 60’s and 70’s and the issues that motivated them.
- Watergate as a Constitutional Crisis – whereby the power of the Presidency was tested, and all three branches of government were involved.
- the roles and responsibilities of our nation’s leaders.
- The consequences of major historical events and the policies that originated during the life and political career of President Richard Nixon and the impact is has today.
TOUR KEY THEME: “The American Constitution at Work: The Presidency”
Schedule an Education Tour
Student Guided Tours - Educators of students grades Kindergarten to 12th enrolled in public, private, charter, and home schools in groups of 15 or more can schedule a docent-led guided tour without cost to the school. One adult chaperone per 10 students (free admission) is required. All adult chaperones beyond the 1:10 ratio are required to pay admission. Groups may not exceed 100 total tour participants per any one tour date. This includes students, teachers, and additional adult chaperones. These groups typically arrive from a school, return to a school, and visit during the school day.
Student Self-Guided Tours - Educators of students in grades Kindergarten to 12th enrolled in public, private, charter, and home schools in groups of less than 15 can schedule a self-guided tour without cost. One adult per 10 students (free admission) is required. All adult chaperones beyond the 1:10 ratio are required to pay admission. These groups typically arrive from a school, return to a school, and visit during the school day.
Scouts Badge Programs - Scout groups of 15 or more can request a docent-led guided tour without cost. Adult/child ratio will follow established guidelines. These programs are held outside of normal school hours.
College-Level Classes: College-level classes interested in archival, or museum administration or work and procedures can schedule tours and/or classroom space when use of NARA holdings are included. Such programs, requested by classes, are available without cost.
To schedule a tour, please complete the education tour request form and submit it either by email to: NixonEducation@nara.gov, fax: 714-983-9111, or post mail to: Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, Education Department, 18001 Yorba Linda Blvd. Yorba Linda, CA 92886.
In the remarks portion of the form please let us know if you require additional ADA accommodations.
- We recommend that Education Tour requests be made at least one month in advance. Once your tour is scheduled, you will receive a confirmation email. Tours are subject to availability.
- Education Tours generally last two to two and a half hours and begin at either at 10:00 a.m. or 10:30 a.m. Tours begin promptly at the scheduled time.
- Cancellations should be made at least 48 hours in advance.
- Students will be given an admissions sticker upon arrival and instruction on museum decorum. Your group may be asked to leave if students do not follow these guidelines.
- Larger student groups will be subdivided into subgroups groups of approximately 20 to ensure a safe learning environment and to prevent congestion in the museum.
- For the safety of your group and other guests, there is no running, food, gum, drinks, permitted in the museum. Bottled water is acceptable but containers must be capped at all times while in the galleries.
- Chaperones must stay with their students at all times and are responsible for student conduct on museum grounds.
- Backpacks or large purses/handbags are not permitted into the building, with the exception of emergency information, medicine, etc. Oversized bags will be subject to search by a federal security officer upon arrival.
- Lunch areas are not available at the Nixon Library. School groups are encouraged to eat at Jessamyn West Park, 19115 Yorba Linda Blvd, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Please contact the Yorba Linda Parks and Recreation Department at (714) 961-7160 for approval and to confirm availability.
- Richard Nixon’s childhood home and the interior of the President’s helicopter are subject to closures during inclement weather.
- Bus parking is located on the east side of our parking lot near the Mountain View entrance and is free of charge.
Paid adult tours - The Nixon Foundation offers docent-led, themed, and self-guided adult tours. Tickets must be reserved in advance.
College and University students - College-level students who arrive, not part of class curriculum, must schedule a regular adult tour.
Out-of-area and International Students scheduled through a tourism company - All student tour groups from outside of the LA-metro area, must reserve tours through the Foundation.
For profit after-school programs - All group tours from after-school/day-care programs must be scheduled through the Foundation.
Schedule a tour by visiting https://www.nixonfoundation.org/tickets-tours/ or emailing tours@nixonfoundation.org
Educational Resources
Primary source documents and activities from the National Archives for educators and students: https://www.docsteach.org/
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon: The Education of a Politician, 1913-1962. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon: The Triumph of a Politician, 1962-1972. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon: Ruin and Recovery, 1973-1990. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1991.
- Haldeman, H. R. The Haldeman Diaries: Inside the Nixon White House. New York: G.P. Putnam's, 1994.
- Nixon, Richard M. RN: The Memoirs of Richard Nixon. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1978.
- Ambrose, Stephen E. Nixon: The Education of a Politician, 1913-1962. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1987.
Nixon White House Tapes: https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/white-house-tapes
Gerald Ford Presidential Library Online Exhibit: Watergate online exhibit
The Public Papers of the Presidents, which is compiled and published by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), began in 1957 in response to a recommendation of the National Historical Publications Commission.
Arranged chronologically: https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/president/executive-orders