
December 16, 1970


This almanac page for Wednesday, December 16, 1970, pulls together various records created by the federal government and links to additional resources which can provide context about the events of the day.

Previous Date: Tuesday, December 15, 1970

Next Date: Thursday, December 17, 1970

Schedule and Public Documents

Archival Holdings

  • The H. R. Haldeman Diaries consists of seven handwritten diaries, 36 dictated diaries recorded as sound recordings, and two handwritten audio cassette tape subject logs. The diaries and logs reflect H. R. Haldeman’s candid personal record and reflections on events, issues, and people encountered during his service in the Nixon White House. As administrative assistant to the President and Chief of Staff, Haldeman attended and participated in public events and private meetings covering the entire scope of issues in which the Nixon White House engaged in during the years 1969-1973. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

  • The National Archives Catalog is the online portal to the records held at the National Archives, and information about those records. It is the main way of describing our holdings and also provides access to electronic records and digitized versions of our holdings. 

    The Catalog searches across multiple National Archives resources at once, including archival descriptions, digitized and electronic records, authority records, and web pages from and the Presidential Libraries. The Catalog also allows users to contribute to digitized historical records through tagging and transcription.

    Nixon Library Holdings

    All National Archives Units

National Security Documents

  • The President's Daily Brief is the primary vehicle for summarizing the day-to-day sensitive intelligence and analysis, as well as late-breaking reports, for the White House on current and future national security issues. Read "The President's Daily Brief: Delivering Intelligence to Nixon and Ford" to learn more.

  • The Foreign Relations of the United States series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. Visit the State Department website for more information.

    Vol. VII, Vietnam, July 1970-January 1972

    Planning and Decisions for Operations in Cambodia and Laos, October 9, 1970-February 7, 1971

    Vol. XVII, China, 1969-1972

    China, 1970

    Vol. XXIII, Arab-Israeli Dispute, 1969-1972

    • 191. Paper Prepared by the National Security Council Staff, Washington, December 16, 1970

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, NSC Institutional Files (H-Files), Box H–050, Senior Review Group Meetings, SRG Meeting—Jordan 12–17–70. Secret. All brackets are in the original.

    Vol. XXIX, Eastern Europe, 1969-1972


    • 142. Telegram From the Embassy in Poland to the Department of State, Warsaw, December 16, 1970, 1430Z

      Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 698, Country Files—Europe, Poland, Vol. I 1969–1971. Limited Official Use; Priority. Repeated to Belgrade, Budapest, Bucharest, Moscow, Prague, Sofia, Munich, and Poznan, and passed to USIA for IAS.

    Vol. XXXIV, National Security Policy, 1969-1972

    The Defense Budget and Safeguard Phase III

    • 165. Memorandum From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to Secretary of Defense Laird, Washington, December 16, 1970

      Source: Washington National Records Center, OSD Files: FRC 330–76–0076, 320.2, Strategic. Top Secret; Sensitive. According to an attached note, this memorandum was intended for Packard in preparation for his December 18 meeting with Laird, Moorer, and the rest of the Joint Chiefs regarding the FY 1972 Defense budget. No record of the meeting has been found. Notes on both the JCS memorandum and the covering memorandum indicate that Laird saw them.

    Vol. XL, Germany and Berlin, 1969-1972

    Germany and Berlin, 1969-1972

    Vol. E-1, Documents on Global Issues, 1969-1972

    U.S. Policy Towards Terrorism, Hijacking of Aircraft, and Attacks on Civil Aviation: U.S. Response to Hijackings by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and Additional Anti-Hijacking Measures, September 1970-June 1972

    • 83. Telegram From the Embassy in the Netherlands to the Department of State, The Hague, December 16, 1970, 1330Z

      The telegram communicated the final text of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Seizure of Aircraft agreed upon at the Hague.

      Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Files 1970-73, AV 12. Unclassified; Immediate. Repeated to USUN and the Consulate at Montreal with a request that the Department pass to FAA, DOT, CAB, and Justice.

    Vol. E-10, Documents on American Republics, 1969-1972


  • The Kissinger telephone conversation transcripts consist of approximately 20,000 pages of transcripts of Kissinger’s telephone conversations during his tenure as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (1969-1974) and Secretary of State (1973-1974) during the administration of President Richard Nixon. Visit the finding aid for more information.

    Digitized versions of many of these transcripts can be found on the Yale University Library website.

Audiovisual Holdings

  • The White House Photo Office collection consists of photographic coverage of President Richard Nixon meeting with prominent social, political, and cultural personalities; speaking engagements and news conferences of the President and various high-ranking members of the White House staff and Cabinet; Presidential domestic and foreign travel, including Presidential vacations; social events and entertainment involving the First Family, including entertainers present; official portraits of the President, First Family, and high-ranking members of the Nixon administration; the 1969 and 1973 Inaugurals; the President’s 1972 Presidential election campaign appearances (including speeches) and other official activities of the White House staff and the President’s Cabinet from January 20, 1969 until August 9, 1974 at the White House and the Old Executive Office Building; other locations in Washington, DC, such as The Mall; and the Presidential retreats in Camp David, Maryland, Key Biscayne, Florida, and San Clemente, California. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    Roll WHPO-5303 Photographer: Atkins, Oliver | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5303-, Portraits of President staff secretary Shelley Scarney. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. Shelley Scarney.

    Roll WHPO-5304 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5304-, White House Christmas tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House interior. none.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5304-10A, President Nixon seated informally during an Oval Office meeting with British Prime Minister Edward Heath. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Oval Office. President Nixon, Edward Heath.

    Roll WHPO-5305 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5305-, Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree with President Nixon and Pat Nixon in attendance. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, unidentified guests and attendees.

    Roll WHPO-5306 Photographer: Knudsen, Robert L. | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5306-, Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. unidentified guests and attendees.

    Roll WHPO-5307 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5307-, Lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. none.

    Roll WHPO-5308 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5308-, President Nixon speaking at the lighting of the Nation's Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. President Nixon, Pat Nixon, unidentified guests and attendees.

    Roll WHPO-5309 Photographer: Schumacher, Karl | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5309-01A-06A, 09A-10A, 17A-25A, Pat Nixon at the lighting of the National Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, exterior. Tricia Nixon, unidentified Boy Scout, Pat Nixon, President Nixon.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5309-07A-8A,12A-15A, President Nixon speaking at the lighting of the nation's Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House exterior. Tricia Nixon, unidentified Boy Scout, Pat Nixon, President Nixon.

    Roll WHPO-5310 Photographer: Kightlinger, Jack | Color or B&W: Color

    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-, Reception for National Press Club and American Newspaper Women's Association. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon, unidentified guests and attendees.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-04-05, Pat Nixon standing in front of the White Hosue Christmas Tree. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-06-08, Pat Nixon standing in front of the White Hosue Christmas Tree greeting women during a holiday reception for the National Press Club and American Newspaper Women's Association. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon, unidentified guests.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-09-11, Pat Nixon standing in front of the White Hosue Christmas Tree with unidentified children during a holiday reception for the National Press Club and American Newspaper Women's Association. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon, unidentified children.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-12-14, An unidentified children's choir performing in the Grand Stairway area, during a holiday reception for the National Press Club and American Newspaper Women's Association. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon, unidentified children's choir and director.
    • Frame(s): WHPO-5310-15-27, Pat Nixon and Santa Claus at a Christmas holiday reception for the National Press Club and American Newspaper Women's Association. 12/16/1970, Washington, D.C. White House, Blue Room. Pat Nixon, unidentified children's choir and director.
  • The White House Communications Agency Sound Recordings Collection contains public statements that took place between 1969 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    G - Cabinet Officer Briefings

    • WHCA-SR-G-068
      Press briefing by Secretary of Labor James D. Hodgson, with Ronald Ziegler. (12/16/1970, Press Lobby)

      Runtime: 18:05

      Production credits: Audio feed supplied by WHCA; Recorded by JMC (initials of WHCA engineer)

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.

    P - Formal Presidential Remarks

    • WHCA-SR-P-701212
      Remarks by President Nixon at Christmas Tree Lighting ceremony. (12/16/1970)

      Runtime: 9:09

      Original Format: 1/4-inch reel-to-reel audiotape. Original source type: Original.
  • The White House Communications Agency Videotape Collection contains “off-the-air” recordings of televised programs produced between 1968 and 1974. Visit the finding aid to learn more.

    • WHCA-4035
      "Today" Show.
      Runtime: 00:30:15
    • WHCA-4036
      Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony. Bill Magruder.
      Runtime: 00:29:30
    • WHCA-4037
      "The Dick Cavett Show". Stephen Hess, Chairman of the White House Conference on Children.
      Runtime: 1:30
    • WHCA-4040
      Weekly News Summary, Tape I.
      All networks
      Runtime: 01:01:30

      24. Smith/Donaldson: U.S. Army Intelligence and Congress. Time Code Start: 46:50. Keywords: House of Representatives, Armed Forces, spying, espionage, military, operatives, investigations. Network: ABC.

      25. Smith: President Nixon vetoes job training bill. Time Code Start: 48:50. Keywords: Presidents, bills, laws, vetoes, unemployement, education, financial aid. Network: ABC.

      26. Smith/Jarriel: Lighting of National Christmas Tree. Time Code Start: 49:16. Keywords: Pageant of Peace, Holidays, Christmas, trees, lighting, ceremony, celebrations, Washington, D. C.. Network: ABC.

      27. Smith: Commentary on the attack on Justice William Douglas. Time Code Start: 51:36. Keywords: Supreme Court, law officials, judges, justices. Network: ABC.

      28. Chancellor: U.S. Army Intelligence and Congress. Time Code Start: 53:25. Keywords: House of Representatives, Armed Forces, spying, espionage, military, operatives, investigations. Network: NBC.

      29. Brinkley: Senate approves $255 million aid to Cambodia and defense appropriations. Time Code Start: 55:33. Keywords: Cambodia, Vietnam War, financial aid, support. Network: NBC.

      30. Chancellor/Vanocur: Vice President Agnew at Republican Governors Conference. Time Code Start: 56:30. Keywords: Vice Presidents, speeches, Governors, conferences, meetings. Network: NBC.

      31. Chancellor: Appointee Connally. Time Code Start: 60:40. Keywords: Presidents, appointments, confirmations, cabinet, advisors, agencies, nominees. Network: NBC.
    • WHCA-4041
      Weekly News Summary, Tape II.
      All networks
      Runtime: 1:00

      1. Cronkite: Job training bill veto. Time Code Start: 00:00. Keywords: Presidents, bills, laws, vetoes. Network: CBS.

      2. Cronkite/Drinkwater: Vice President Agnew at Republican Governor's Conference. Time Code Start: 00:56. Keywords: Vice Presidents, speeches, Governors, conferences, meetings. Network: CBS.

      3. Cronkite/Benton: U.S. Army Intelligence and Congress. Time Code Start: 03:46. Keywords: House of Representatives, Armed Forces, spying, espionage, military, operatives, investigations. Network: CBS.

      4. Sevareid: Commentary on the Supreme Court. Time Code Start: 06:36. Keywords: law officials, judges, justices, courts, trials, investigations, rulings. Network: CBS.

Context (External Sources)