NOTE: Since the November 28, 2007 opening, all of these documents have moved to and are available for research at the Nixon Library in Yorba Linda, California. The location given below indicate where the documents were at the time of the opening.
On November 28, 2007, the Nixon Library opened additional materials from the Nixon Presidential Historical Materials.
Approximately 10,000 documents that were previously withheld from public access have been reviewed for release and/or declassified under the mandatory review provisions of Executive Order 12958, as amended, or in accordance with 36 CFR 1275.56 (Public Access Regulations).
The documents are from file segments for the White House Special Files, Staff Member and Office Files and the National Security Council File series, including the Henry A. Kissinger Office Files and the National Security Council Institutional Files.
- A selection of these documents are available online below as PDF files.
- Please visit the Nixon Library in College Park, Maryland, to research all of the documents.
- View a PDF list of all the Mandatory Review opened documents
Selected Documents
- January 2, 1974
State Department Telegram
Subject: Letter from Egyptian President Sadat to King Faisal on oil boycott and possibility of Syrian-Israeli hostilities
Executive Privilege
- April 17, 1973
Memo from Dean to Kissinger and Ehrlichman
Subject: Executive Privilege-Senate Foreign Relations Subommittee Request for Chile Cables
- March 8, 1973
Message from Acting Director FBI to Situation Room White House
Subject: Middle East (Fedayeen) Black September Group
- January 15, 1974
State Department Telegram
Subject: Refugees: Request for Instructions
- June 7, 1972
Memo from Saunders to Kissinger
Subject: Message from Shah on Kurds
- July 19, 1969
Memo from Kissinger to Nixon
Subject: Israeli Nuclear Program
- September 21, 1970
State Department Telegram
Subject: Situation Following Syrian Invasion
- August 21, 1969
Memorandum of Conversation
Subject: Talks between President Nixon and President Pak
- December 15, 1973
State Department Telegram
Subject: Secretary's Bilateral with Patricio
President's Daily Briefing
- March 18, 1970
Memo from A. W. Marshall to Kissinger
Subject: Process Leading to the President's Morning Intelligence Reading Package
Saudi Arabia
- March 14, 1973
State Department Telegram
Subject: Discussion with King Faisal re Support for BSO-Fatah
- March 27, 1973
State Department Telegram
Subject: Campaign against Terrorism: Saudi Role
- May 18, 1973
Memo for the President
Subject: Sale of F-4s to Saudi Arabia
- June 1, 1973
Memo from Saunders to Kissinger
Subject: Countering Israeli Reaction to F-4 Sales to Saudi Arabia and Kuwait
- October 16, 1973
State Department Telegram
Subject: Saudi Warning to European Community
- November 4, 1971
State Department Telegram
Subject: Soviet Jewish Emigration to Israel